Samuelis Tacas: visi turi tuos pačius raumenis ir kaulus

„Tikiu, kad su kineziterapijos pagalba galima iš lėto „sutvarkyti“ kūną ir apsaugoti nuo baisiausių skausmų. Bet tam reikia laiko ir kantrybės“, – sako Niujorke gyvenantis išeivis iš Lietuvos kineziterapeutas Samuelis Tacas (69 m.), kurio gydančioms rankoms atsiduoda žinomi pasaulio muzikantai, šokėjai, aktoriai ir sportininkai. Auksinių rankų savininku vadinamas kineziterapeutas viešėjo Lietuvoje: Vilniaus knygų mugėje pristatė […]

Treating wrists and forearms hurt from playing the violin

Tatz醫生的醫式好像中西醫運合的。他好像中醫會用全面的方法,但他也會用現代的機器而不會只是依靠傳統。 我是由於拉小提琴傷了手腕及前臂。我看了西醫物理治料而感到它們慣例的伸展活動和超聲波沒有效, 而Tatz醫生這樣完全明白。他第一眼見到我已經說我整身體緊。這個我已經知道,而我都下意識知道這個問題對我平常一舉一動有挺大的影響。可是,從來都沒有人(過去的物理治料師,健身教練等等)跟我應對過這個全面的問題。 Tatz 醫生會動生幫你按摩及鬆解你的肌肉。第一天他沒有對我的手腕或前臂做任何東西,他跟我說不想一天醫好我,而他只按了我的腰和背部。他也教我一些超輕柔的“運動”,是很微細的整體左右擺動。每次最後的15-20分鐘,他會放你在一部磁性機器下“睡覺”。下來的預約,他有按鬆我超繄的肩膀,腿等等,及教我多些擺動的運動。第三個預約,他按了我的手腕(不是無痛的!),而我的手腕這大半年沒感到過這樣好。但是, Tatz 醫生也說,“We have a big project” (我們有一個大工程)。他要我用八星期,二十次見他。 Tatz 醫生是一個好人,也想醫好你。 他會多說,人愈用腦多,身體就愈繄。他多強調,我們的身體自然懂得動。他也說,身體放鬆“loose”,比強的身體好。 Dr Tatz’s style seems like a mix of Eastern and Western philosophies. He takes a holistic approach like Chinese doctors, but he also uses modern technology and doesn’t rely on tradition totally. I hurt my wrists and forearms from playing […]

Physical Therapy: The Ancient Practice and Overlooked Modalities of Insurance Companies

It was the Ancient Greek Doctor and Founder of Western Medicine, Hippocrates, who first introduced Physical Therapy as a form of healing. But it wasn’t until the 1970’s that Western Medicine would formally allow Physical Therapists to have their own practices. Before then, most Physical Therapy was done in hospitals. Alternative therapies these days are […]

Stomach Treatment with Diapulse

On my third visit with Shmuel Tatz, PT, PhD he asked where was I experiencing the most pain. Quite frankly, even though I felt I had made progress, I couldn’t assess myself between the intermittent pain in my head or my knee, or the things I hadn’t told him about yet. So I asked him, […]