We are continuing to try and provide the service that you know and love while also ensuring you and our staff remain safe. With that in mind, we’re introducing Body Tuning online. Body Tuning is offering group exercise classes as well as 1 on 1 sessions that will be available for participation on Zoom. Please download the […]
Category Archives: Exercises
How to Modify Exercises after Injury and When Can I Start Exercising Again?
Patient’s often ask, when can I go back to the gym? Can I take spin class? Can I do yoga? It would be great if there were some in depth analytics behind the answer or some quantifiable YES markers to measure. But the answer is unbearably simple and always the same: You can do anything […]
Best Breathing Method for Health
The goal of this breathing method is to affect not only the muscles in the body, but also the physiology of the body. While this breathing technique will produce relaxation and energy, it is important to remember that the fundamental concept is to limit your breath. If you would like to understand more about the […]
Iš Lietuvos kilusio JAV garsenybių kineziterapeuto pratimai su lazda
Samuelis Tacas, išeivis iš Lietuvos, svetur gyvenantis jau keletą dešimtmečių, bet vis dar puikiai kalbantis lietuviškai, šiuo metu geriau žinomas Niujorke nei Lietuvoje. Manhetene savo studiją turintis kineziterapeutas – paskutinė daugelio garsenybių viltis. Jo pacientų galerijoje – kompozitorius A. L. Webberis, pasaulinio lygio violončelininkas Y. Menuhinas, M. Rostropovičius, beisbolo žvaigždė M. Wilsonas, baleto šokėjos N. […]
From my 40 years of experience and researching traditional and non-traditional techniques and philosophies, I have reached my own conclusions. I have watched dozens of students and patients naturally shimmisize. They made me see, that it is the fastest, most inexpensive and most effective movement approach to achieve a “tuned body.” Shimmisize reduces pain, relieves […]
Discovering the Source of Pain and Connecting to the Body
Pain in any part of the body is a sign that the body of out of “tune.” For instance one can complain of pain in the knee, but the x-ray, MRI and even manual testing show that there is nothing wrong with the knee. So the question becomes why is this person complaining of knee […]
Exercises for computer users
These exercises will help alleviate tension in your joints, ligaments and muscles, whether you work at a computer a couple of hours a day or spend most of your day in front of a computer screen. Do them the moment you start to feel tired or sense tension or tightness in any area of your […]
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Explained and Illustrated with Exercises
Do you feel numbness or weakness in your hands when you wake up or go to sleep? Do you have trouble holding or grasping objects, like a leash or the lid of jar? You may suffer from Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS), a musculoskeletal disorder associated with but not necessarily caused by repetitive movement of the […]
When Is a Cane Not Just a Cane?
Most people who hear the word ‘cane’ picture an elderly person using it as a ‘walking stick’ for balance or as an adjunct to injury or surgical repair of hip or knee. If we are lucky, that is if we get to live a long life, most of us will need to use a cane […]
Barefoot is Best!
In the fifth century BCE, Socrates walked around Athens barefoot, followed by a crowd of shoeless disciples. Brilliant in his exploration and foundation of the early principles of philosophy, was he also onto a fundamental principle of physical health? Based on alarming increases in injuries related to shoes, perhaps he was right—walking barefoot is beneficial. […]