

What is Diapulse?

Diapulse is a device that directs a pulsed electromagnetic field to an area of injury. Both animal and human studies indicate that this treatment protects neurons, promotes regeneration, and minimizes lost nerve function. In addition, Diapulse greatly accelerates the healing of SCI-associated pressure sores.

Diapulse directs electromagnetic energy to a specific body area through a cylindrical treatment mounted on an adjustable bracket.

When did Diapulse electromagnetic therapy begin?

The Diapulse device was developed in the early 1930s by Dr. Abraham Ginsberg and physicist Arthur Milinowski. The technology behind the device was initially used to develop radar, so the device’s medical use was delayed due to World War II security concerns. Research was resumed in the 1950s by the US military, which after extensive studies concluded that the device was safe and effective.


Sources: [1] [2]

How does it work?

The human body is both electrical and chemical. Although poor circulation occurs from a variety of causes, the mechanics are the same. Smaller arteries and capillaries become narrowed, depriving the skin, fatty tissue, muscle, nerves and bone of blood circulation. The resulting loss of blood circulation reduces or eliminates the capacity to heal from even minor trauma.

Diapulse treatment restores the electrical potential of the cell, reducing tissue swelling. It also polarizes red and white blood cells, causing them to form pearl-like chains while passing through the electromagnetic field. This allows more of the blood cells to enter the narrowed vessels, because they are moving single file rather than bouncing randomly. The tissues now receive the necessary blood flow for the body to regenerate small arteries, veins, capillaries, and nerves for complete healing.

How is it applied?

Normally, the Diapulse treatment head is placed over the affected area or close to it. The doctor may treat more than one area if necessary. A big advantage of the Diapulse System is that it can treat safely and effectively through clothing and surgical dressings. So in most cases, it is unnecessary to undress.

What will the patient feel?

Another advantage of Diapulse is that the patient will probably not feel any sensation. However, the doctor can demonstrate the electromagnetic field with a test coil which is attached to a light bulb. When placed over the treatment head, the bulb will light.

How long is a Diapulse treatment?

Depending upon the condition and area being treated, each session usually takes a minimum of fifteen minutes. However, longer treatment time may be given if indicated.