After a week of fasting and meditation, I found that I had many insights, one of the most important of which is that I want to share my professional experience with people who are interested in studying the art of body tuning.
Over the years I have received countless emails and telephone calls asking to study with me, to learn from me, asking if I have written a book on body tuning. The decision I have made will make it possible for those who wish to learn what I have been doing for many years to do so.
Age or profession is not the deciding factor. Anyone with interest is welcome. You do not have to be a physical therapist or a body healer to do this work. You can be from any walk of life. To be interested in the practice is all that is needed.
There will be no ‘classes.’ A program of body tuning study will be designed for each person. You can be with me for one hour and up to 2000 hours. If you are already a physical therapist, it may only take 500 hours for me to teach you what I do. If you are a massage therapist, perhaps 700 hours. Should you be a psychologist or an accountant, then it would take 2000 hours to learn the art of body tuning. To put that in perspective, to learn the practice of Feldenkreis, it would take a student 3500 hours; to learn the Alexander technique, 4000 hours; Rolfing, 2000 hours; Massage Therapy, 1000 hours; Shiatsu, 300 hours; Yoga, 200 hours.
Not all of the work you will do will be with me. The ‘faculty’ in this venture will include the practitioners of the Body Tuning Studio, Viktor Jeriomenko, Valery Kovalenko and others to whom I will refer you. The more education and knowledge of body work you have, the fewer hours you will need to study with me. Of the 2000 hours, you may be studying with massage therapists, or with Feldenkreis practitioners, or acupuncturists. If I have determined that you need to study anatomy, I will refer you to classes that teach anatomy. If I see that you are not sure of yourself, I will refer you to a psychologist to talk about your insecurities and to help you become stronger and more secure in your own practice. We will decide together how to expand your knowledge of how to help and heal the body.
In the course of your study with me, you will observe for 10 or 20 hours and then have a session on the table to have the personal, hands on experience of what I teach. Later on in your study, you will start to practice body tuning under my supervision.
At the end of your 2000 hours I will no longer be your teacher, counselor or supervisor, but your colleague.
You can begin immediately if you choose, or let us know when you would like to have your first hour of study with us.
The cost of your study will be determined in consultation with me when I know what it is that you wish to study and how long you can commit your time.
If you are interested in learning the art of body tuning, please email your credentials and tell us what you wish to study or call the office at (212) 246-7308.
I look forward to hearing from you.